Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Several summers ago, the high school students at SEED were required to read, Dreams from My Father. Even though I taught in the middle school, I couldn't pass up a free book. I remember my exact words in my response to Ian's question as to what I thought of the book: "We need someone like him to be the President!"

Needless to say, a year or so later when Obama announced that he was running for President, I was elated! I don't even have the words to describe how I feel right now!

The last time we lived abroad coincided with the beginning of the Iraq war. I told people that I was Swiss. It was rare to hear anything positive about our country, especially the President. Today is a new day. I want everyone to know that I am American. This morning I put on my Obama t-shirt and made sure that I was out and about town. I wasn't really expecting any type of response....but let me tell you, I got one! I think the locals were pleasantly surprised that I voted for Obama. I can't tell you how many "congratulations" I received.

For many reasons, I wish that we were in DC today for this historic moment. The main one being that I would give anything to be with my students. I would give anything to be their teacher today - to greet them as they entered my classroom knowing that Barack Obama will be our next President. I have these incredible images of some of my former students, particularly, the young men. I imagine them walking with their heads up, and their eyes wide open - so much that you can actually see them begin to realize a new sense of hope. Not just a glimpse of it, but a tangible hope, one that they can reach out and grab.

As we watched Obama deliver his speech (it was already Weds. morning here), I cheered and I cried. I'm still overwhelmed with emotion and I am finding it difficult to articulate my thougts. For lack of a better feels good to be an American.


Ian said...

hey Chase,
It was quite a day at school! Lots of tired students, but all very excited. i'm sure you've seen that DC was a mad house. Ah, and so good. Great to hear an ex-pats thoughts! Glad that you're all well.

Aimee @ Smiling Mama said...

Chase, this is awesome! My brother works with inner city kids in Philly and he basically said the same things you imagined--that it was amazing to see these kids, especially the boys, have such a sense of pride and hope yesterday when they came into the center. Awesome!