Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Happy Baby!

Many of you have asked how Finn is doing. He is one happy little guy! He is not only smiling all the time, but also making all sorts of new sounds (bah-bah-bah and dah-dah-dah are the current favorites). Our days of leaving him in one spot are over. He loves his little car (in video) and travels all over the house in it. Last week he starting sitting up without any support. Five days later, and he is just about crawling! He's gone from rolling to scooting. I give him two more weeks before he's doing the real thing.Finn has met many new friends - as we have become regulars at play group. We go Weds. mornings and Friday afternoons. Finn is also very happy with his newest friend, Patience. Patience is our new nanny/housekeeper. Rather than hiring someone full-time, we've decided to do a "nanny share." For many reasons, this is GREAT! First and foremost, Patience is wonderful with children. I first met her at our very first play-group. She is the nanny for Zoe - the one who organizes all the playgroups. Zoe is WONDERFUL and has really gone out of her way to reach out to us. Anyhow, Patience and her husband and their 3-yr.old live with Zoe and family in Mocholodi. I remember thinking 'I hope we find someone as great as this woman!' Fortunately, like us, Zoe doesn't really need someone full-time. So....here we are!!! Findley LOVES her. When he's in his little car, he will go wherever she goes. If he's on the floor, as soon as he sees her, he smiles, squeals or just starts laughing. Ian loves her too - they are of the same mold - NEAT FREAKS! I didn't think our house needed much cleaning. Well, let me tell you - it looks like a different place when Patience comes. I've decided that rather than feeling guilty about having someone clean my house for me, I am just going to appreciate every minute of it. Sure will be a rude awakening when we go back to the states![Photo]Finn's favorite part of the day is bath-time. He goes wild in the tub - we couldn't resist sharing this with you!

1 comment:

Mary Bennett Greene said...

that's one swimming little kid! phelps better watch out!