It's been a while since I've posted. Finn got a cold/flu and then I got it. Normally not such a big deal, but it seemed like one. It sure made me realize how far we are from family and friends. We haven't really had time yet to get to know anyone really well. So I wasn't sure what to do once I got sick. It's not like I can just pick up the phone and call someone to take care of Finn for me. Fortunately he is such a good baby that I survived. And just when I started feeling really bad, Theresa saved the day! She called to invite me for tea. I told her I wasn't feeling well. She not only provided me with the phone number for a doctor, she also came and got me the next day to take me to this doctor. And when she brought me home, she assured me I would be feeling better the next day and most certainly needed to get out of the house. "I'll be by at 10:00 tomorrow to pick up you and Findley."
Theresa is the woman who takes care of the pool. I have only seen her twice before this. But right away, I knew she was going to be an incredible resource! She's originally from South Africa. She moved here 12 years ago with her husband and two children. He is a diplomat and was hired for a 3 year posting. At the end of the three years they realized they had fallen in love with Botswana and decided to make this their home. She knows everything and everyone! The first day she came to clean the pool, happened to be the first day of play group. She was kind enough to give us a ride. On the way there, she suddenly became "Theresa the Tour Guide." I don't think she stopped to take a breath while giving a tid-bit about every building, shop, neighborhood, etc.
Anyhow, sure enough, yesterday morning at 10:00 she was here to pick us up. And she was right, after taking the antibiotics, I was feeling a lot better. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing but I was so happy to get out of the house. It turned out to be a great morning. She took me to a nursery school that she thinks we would be a great place for Finn. I will say, I was very impressed. It is the end of the school term so the school was having a concert / craft fair. I would say the school was about 70% locals and 30% expats. Finn particularly likes the fact that the school has its own petting zoo and swimming pool!
After that, she drove us around to see more of Gaborone. Then we stopped at a nice little cafe for tea. Everywhere we went, Theresa knew atleast two people. I loved our tea, because I finally got a chance to ask her questions (sometimes she talks so much and fast that it is hard to get a word in edge wise). She is fascinating. In addition to taking care of pools, she makes and sells crafts, and she runs a dog parlor out of her maid's quarters. (Her children attend a boarding school in South Africa). I'm beginning to think that I am her little project. She has all sorts of ideas for me. Right now, I am just so grateful that she has reached out to us. I'm not sure how this past week would have played out had she not stepped in!
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