It's Wednesday evening in Gaborone, early afternoon in the US. After 26+ hours in planes and airports, we finally made it. Our home in Cheverly is finally packed up, everything is in storage, renters have moved into our house. Now we are at the beginning of this new and exciting chapter in our lives.
While we much rather be sleeping now, Finn decided that he would like to keep us awake...go figure. I won't complain, however. Finn was an absolute rock star on our 19&1/2 hr. flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg. Thank goodness we were able to use Ian's extra miles to get into business class. There was so much space in front of us (being short is always a bonus in these situations) that Finn was able to have a little play area on the floor. We sure did get a lot of attention from the flight attentands as well, thanks to the little one. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
We are spending our first night in the Gaborone Sun Hotel. Ebrahim, Ian's colleague, picked us up from the airport. It was at this moment that I experienced my first bit of culture shock. Finn's carseat did not make it with our other luggage. When we asked the people at the airport if they had one to loan us, they looked at us like we were kidding. Carseats are optional here. I put Finn in the baby bjorn, buckled us in and said a desparate prayer. One little voice was telling me that I was an irresponsible parent while another little voice was laughing at me explaining that I would quickly learn to put paranoia aside and just go with the flow.
Ian warned me that Botswana (plural for peolpe of Botswana) drive on the other side of the road. I don't recommend putting yourself in that situation at night, after not sleeping for 2 days.
Let's just say, we made it. I cannot wait to get some sleep!
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